分类: 嫩草

  • 高丝推出男士基础护肤品牌“Magnifique”

    高丝通过负责化妆品企划和销售的全资子公司Kose Cosmeport推出男士基础护肤品品牌。男士化妆品以往的主要消费群体是年轻人,近来逐渐在20~30多岁的商务人士中普及。此次的产品增强了功能,设定的价位也高于以往。高丝打算通过此次的产品抓住日益扩大的男士化妆品市场的需求。



    核心产品是“Moisture Rising Lotion”化妆水。将通过亚马逊日本公司的购物网站和东京的高丝旗舰店“Maison Kose”进行销售。计划于2021年9月扩大销售渠道。


  • 黑胡椒成分改善皮肤弹性



    四氢胡椒碱不易溶于水,但溶于油脂。富士胶片将其溶解于被称为“蚕丝油”(异壬酸异壬酯,Isononyl Isononanoate)的油脂中,采用纳米乳化技术,将颗粒缩小到了30纳米(1纳米为10亿分之一米)左右。与化妆品常用油脂的乳化剂相比,渗透力提高到了约1.4倍。实际涂抹到人体的毛孔内,证实了渗透性。




  • Christy Chung on her secret to looking young: intermittent fasting, low-sugar diet and exercise help keep the 50-year-old actress fit and healthy

    • Actress eats during an eight-hour window, as ‘eating throughout the day will subject your digestive system to frequent work, which is not good for the stomach’
    • Chung says she maintains her mental state by loving her family, being grateful for what she has, and seeing friends – ‘we must never bottle up unhappy feelings’

    Christy Chung Lai-tai looks decades younger than her 50 years. The veteran Hong Kong actress has amassed a legion of male fans thanks to her complexion, curvy body and sizzling on-screen persona – and for her recent appearance in a popular Chinese reality-television show.
    The show – Older Sisters Who Brave the Winds and Waves – pits 30 women aged over 30 against each other as they vie for a place in a pop group. Though Chung was eventually eliminated, her dances in high heels and body-hugging outfits showed that age has barely touched her.
    She tells the Post that the secrets to her success are maintaining a healthy diet, getting a good night’s sleep, not drinking alcohol and feeling young at heart.
    “I won the Miss Chinese International Pageant [organised by Hong Kong television station TVB] at the age of 22. I was at my prettiest then. So my mental state will always be [the same as] when I was 22 years old,” Chung, who was born in Canada, says.
    She keeps her body in shape with a snack-free, low-sugar diet with plenty of protein and greens. “At my home kitchen, I have replaced white sugar with honey and coconut sugar. As I have a mostly vegetarian diet with very little starch, I consume more protein powder to make up for the lack of meat.
    “I eat fruit in the morning and prefer low-sugar fruit like blueberries, strawberries and grapefruit to the sugar-laden ones like mangoes, watermelons, pineapples and peaches. Eating fruit in the morning helps you burn off the sugar through work and exercise later in the day.”
    Chung recommends eating yogurt to increase the probiotics – live microorganisms in food similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut – in one’s digestive system, and foods high in antioxidants, such as garlic, red ginseng and spring onion, to boost the immune system. Antioxidants are seen as preventing damage to our cells from molecules called free radicals that may be linked to chronic diseases.
    She is also an intermittent faster and limits her food intake to just eight hours a day, as she believes this will help preserve the digestive system and thus help her live longer. “Eating throughout the day will subject your digestive system to frequent work, which is not good for the stomach,” Chung says.

  • 松本清池袋旗舰店新装开业 女高中生、爱美男性均可轻松逛






  • 日本从事临床试验支援的I’ROM集团将在2020年内启动针对肥胖症的再生医疗治疗




  • An all-natural sunscreen and beauty product, thanaka paste has been used for centuries for sun protection and as a cosmetic in Myanmar

    • Made from ground tree bark, thanaka paste is slathered onto the face to protect users from the sun and is said to improve complexion and tighten pores
    • Many cosmetic companies in Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand are adding thanaka to their products and marketing them abroad

    One of the first things you notice in Myanmar is the ubiquitous, pale yellow paste that decorates the faces of women, children, even men. It’s applied like face paint: dots on the cheeks, circles across the face, or even as fun designs like stripes or swirly leaves to add a cool factor.

    For centuries, the people of Myanmar have slathered thanaka, a thick, silky paste made from ground tree bark, on their faces to protect them from the sun.

    Thanaka can be made from several tropical tree species that grow in parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent – but only in Myanmar is the bark from these trees used as a cosmetic. Thanaka is said to have been used in the country for more than 2,000 years, but the first written evidence of it comes from a 14th-century poem.

    While you can get thanaka from stores in various forms (pastes, creams and powders), most Myanmese people prefer getting it the old-fashioned way, by using the actual wood from a tree and grinding it on a stone slab called the kyauk pyin, and making a paste with some water. When it’s wet, it’s almost translucent and when it dries, it becomes a yellow crust.

    “Thanaka crosses ethnic, religious and class boundaries, and is worn by people of all faiths in the country, from Muslims and Buddhists , to ethnic tribes, and is a matter of cultural pride like the longyi, the sarong-like national skirt,” explains Winn, my guide in Yangon, the capital city.

    Not all sunscreens come from laboratories. The ancient Greeks used olive oil as a sun block, Egyptians used rice and jasmine extracts, and a nomadic race of people in Southeast Asia called the Sama-Bajau use a paste of water weeds, rice and spices.

    Many Asian countries have traditions of using home-made remedies for sun protection – that these treatments have been around for hundreds of years is a sign of their efficacy. It was only in the 1930s that the first commercial sunscreens were developed.

    In Vietnam , for example, people wear wide-brimmed conical hats to protect themselves from the sun. In India, sandalwood paste has been used for many years to soothe sun burns and cool the skin (its purifying properties can also help clear acne and reduce oil production).

    The wood of several trees can be used to make thanaka paste, with the Naringi crenulata (toothed-leaf limonia) and Limonia acidissima (wood apple) trees being the most common. The dry central regions of Mandalay and Bagan in Myanmar are ideal for these slow-growing trees, which is where most of the prized paste comes. A tree must be at least 35 years old before cuttings can be taken from it.

    Traditionally, thanaka wood is sold as individual small logs or in bundles to be ground by the purchaser.

    Thanaka is used as a beauty product, as it improves complexion, stops oiliness and acne, and tightens pores. Photo: Kalpana Sunder

    Traditionally, thanaka wood is sold as individual small logs or in bundles to be ground by the purchaser. It can be grown through sustainable farming techniques because of its regenerative nature. Fragrant thanaka has been used by royalty in the country, with a hint of gold powder added to it; farmers use it when working in the fields, little children going to schools have their faces smeared with the paste, and men wear just a hint of thanaka on their cheekbones and eyelids.